jeudi 21 mai 2009

Mobile Education Project: Building Awareness on The Streets About Human Rights


Mobile Education Project: Building Awareness on The Streets About Human Rights

•Localization: Department of the West (the most vulnerable districts)

•Areas of Action: civic, legal education and awareness building •Objectives:
a. To make people aware of their rights and duties
b. To lower the rate of violations of human rights in the poor districts
c. To decrease the rate of ignorance regarding the rights and duties of citizens
d. To arrive at a better organization of the people

• Activities envisioned:
a. To sensitize citizens through pre-registered meetings.
b. To distribute brochures explaining their rights and duties
c. To organize meetings of districts

• Length of the Project: 1 year renewable

• Total cost of the Project: $ 44.650 USD
I. The Socio-Legal Context Of The Project.

Why such a project?

An old Haitian proverb says that “NO ONE IS SUPPOSED TO BE IGNORANT OF THE LAW”. Which law(s)? After their adoption most laws are not publicized and very often even the supposedly aware lawyers are ignorant of them. In addition to this de facto situation, more than 80% of the population is illiterate, and then, as far as radio-TV broadcasts are concerned, they do not begin to cover the poorest sections because they do not have the means, for lack of electricity, for lack of radio and/or television sets and what is worse the coded language used by the announcers is very often unintelligible to the people. Thus, the lights are all red in this country signaling a state of emergency and requiring a rapid intervention to build awareness and educate the people distrustful of the official system of their rights and duties. The people, mostly the poor in vulnerable districts like Cité Soleil, Grand Ravin, Simon Pélé, Croix-des-Bouquets to name only a few.

Haiti is faced with an alarming and complex socio-economic situation. Add to this state of affairs the heavy consequences of the four (4) hurricanes that just destroyed the limited resources of the State and the meager subsistence resources of the people. The country needs to be put back together and to do it the citizens need to become aware and to accomplish this, there needs to be a mobilization campaign for raising the awareness of the citizenry. There you have basic grounds for and the rationale for such a project.

II. Justification of the project.

Who are the beneficiaries?
The recipients of this project will be: the most vulnerable districts of the department of the West. Illiterate men and women citizens deprived of radio and TV in the marginal zones of the large populations.

Consequences and Objectives

With this project AUMOHD intends
•to create a collaboration, a close bond between citizens, between women and men, the small and big;
•to create a way of dialoguing within the
various traditionally conflicted districts.
• To promote unity, peace, fraternity.
•To promote love, forgiveness, charity, tolerance, solidarity within the Haitian family.
• To promote, honesty, loyalty, patriotism and mutual respect.

Impact and Results

Such an initiative will make our society more just and will decrease the rate of the private revenge which rages in the country today.

Direction of the Project

The project consists of:
a) Preparing socio-legal programs
b) Preparing booklets and posters
c) Recording meetings
d) Broadcasting the meetings from one district to
the other
e) Stimulate districts with slogans related to the
f) To carry out important decisions
g) To evaluate the project

Evaluation of the Project.

This is a very important phase consisting of checking if the objectives set down were achieved, to redirect, to rethink plans and strategies.

VII - Methods of execution

Purchase of materials and equipment

In this phase, we will have to purchase the equipment and materials envisaged in the proposal.

To Make the vehicle ready

Getting the vehicle ready involves transforming it into a publicity truck, to install the materials and equipment.


To ensure the continuity of the project, AUMOHD intends to do research.

Essential resources

To carry out this project, human resources being already available within the AUMOHD, it is only missing the material and financial resources.

Durability of the project.

After the pilot project of the first year, we will make an effort so that the continuation of this project will remain for as long as there are cases of human rights violation in Haiti.

Needs for carrying out the project:

1. - materials and supplies

A vehicle, truck: ----------------------------$5000 USD
A generator Honda silencer: ---------------- $2800 USD
Loudspeakers 18' (6) -------------------------$3500 USD CD Player ------------------------------------$1800 USD Microphone (2) -------------------------------$ 200 USD Amplifier ------------------------------------$ 800 USD Twist-----------------------------------------$ 100 USD Gas/oil --------------------------------------$3860 USD

Total: $ 18060 USD

2. - Personnel and non personnel Services –
Project Director --------------------------- $ 5600 USD
An Organizer ------------------------------- $ 4800 USD
A reporter/publicist ---------------------- $ 2000 USD
A driver -------------------------------- ---$ 3600 USD
Vehicle ------------------------------------$ 3500 USD

$ 20.500 USD

3. - Other
Administration fees ------------------------ $ 2500 USD Repair Fees ------------------ $ 2500 USD Other fees ------------------------------- $ 1000 USD

$6000 USD

Projected budget.

The realization of this project requires a budget whose total amount is $44.650 USD set out again as follows:

Staff services/Non-staff services-------- $ 20.500 USD
Equipment and machinery-------------- $ 18.060 USD Materials and supplies
Administration expenses ------------------$ 6000 USD

Total $ 44.650 USD

Introduction To AUMOHD

AUMOHD is an Association of Haitian University Graduates of humanitarian and Christian character with non-for-profit status which aims to promote respect of the rights of the person in Haiti. It was founded in Delmas, Port au Prince Haiti, on January 14, 2004 after a systematic wave of violations of human rights which took place in Haiti from 2002 on where one witnessed a string of arrests and arbitrary and illegal detention, of summary executions, of disappearances--all in all this stimulated us to organize a team of lawyers at the beginning to curb this wave.

b) Organizational structure: AUMOHD is directed by a central office composed of
1) a President
2) a vice President
3) a Coordinator
4) an Executive Secretary
5) An assistant secretary
6) A law firm
7) Board of inquiry
8) A Director of Social affairs
9) A Financial Officer
10) a special adviser
11) A person in charge of public relations Flow chart of the AUMOHD

Organizational Chart of AUMOHD

Executive Board

Social Services Office Law Firm

Investigative Office Legal Assistance Office Visiting Commission

Office for the Haitian Departments

For all Contact :

Evel FANFAN Esq.
Président AUMOHD
Action Des Universitaires Motivés pour une Haïti de Droit
4, Delmas 47, Route de Delmas
Port au Prince, Haiti (WI)
Phone: (509)-37548022 / 34297129 / 3490-3394
Courriel :

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